
The City of Idaho Falls has two indoor courts available at 520 Memorial Drive.  During the summer these courts "might" be available on any given weekday morning. Please call 612-8480 to learn if the courts are available.  Basketball takes over shortly before lunch and rules the gym for the remainder of each  weekday.  During the fall-winter-spring seasons, the courts have regularly schedule drop-in pickleball on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9-11 AM and 2-3:30 PM both days.  Admission is $3 per person or $2 for Seniors over 62 years. Loaner paddles and balls are available.

Usage of these courts tends to be higher during winter an inclement or windy weather.  Usage tapers off once the outdoor court(s) become available.

City Staff indicated they would be willing to set up one or both courts if sufficient player arrived and wished to play.  What this means is that a foursome of Friends could play together for up to two hours on a city court if no one else was there.  That would be a pretty sweet deal for a mere $8 for four retirees!  Once again call 612-8480 to inquire if this is possible on any given weekday.

The courts are located at 520 Memorial Drive on the Idaho Falls River Walk (Greenbelt) area.

To learn if the two city courts are available on any given day and time, please call 612-8480

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